The fashion industry often sells us fashion in an objective sense which makes us believe that if we don’t look the way the people in movies, videos and magazines look then we are not fashionable. This however is a big lie and we must remember that style and fashion are very subjective things and can be interpreted differently by every person. These are some simple tips that you can follow in order to improve your fashion quotient and feel more stylish.

1. Be comfortable:

When it comes to fashion, comfort is mandatory. We all first need to be comfortable in our own skin which might take some time and along with that we must feel comfortable in our outfit as well. Comfort turns into confidence and shows in our body language too. So, it is good to experiment and try something new but don’t compromise with your comfort.

2. Don’t shy away from colours:

Black and white are two colours many of us are comfortable with, as these colours look good on most people. However, you should get away from these two colours once in a while and explore other options. There are many colours that will suit you and you just need to experiment more with colours to find out. Your skin tone will decide a whole colour palette for you and there will be a whole range of colours that you have never tried.

3. Classic is better than trendy:

Trends are infectious but you must remember that not every trend is meant for everyone. What may look great on someone might not flatter you as much. Classics in any field are evergreen and so in fashion too this theory works. A white shirt will never go out of style and a black dress is also a classic piece of clothing. So, instead of following any trend blindly, invest in some classic pieces that will accentuate your style and wardrobe.

4. Understand your body structure:

We are all blessed with different body types and this should be kept in mind while choosing our clothes. Remember there is a baggy shirt and a mini dress out there for you no matter what size you are but you must find the right one. So always try on the clothes before buying them to find what clothing flatters your body more. Don’t be disheartened if that skirt doesn’t look as good on you because there will be another skirt that is made for you.

5. Less is more:

Accessorising is key when it comes to fashion as good accessories can take your outfit to the next level but you must not forget that when it comes to accessorising, less is more. A simple watch, sunglasses or a pair of statement earrings could do the trick but putting them all together might ruin the whole thing as it will make you look like a mess. So in order to look put together, follow the minimal approach.

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