They always look and sound so perfect and it makes us fascinated. Well, we should not forget the fact that celebrities are humans too and have imperfections just like any of us. There are things that they love about themselves and some that they wish to change as well. We are all affected by our physical appearances and are not always happy with them. So these are some celebs who decided to go under the knife to change some things about themselves. Let us take a look at some of these celebs:

 Kylie Jenner:

This one is not a shocker at all as most of us know about it. So Kylie Jenner made a career out of her own insecurity and that does sound amazing but it wasn’t always something positive in her life. She was insecure about the size of her lips since she was young and so she got her lips injected with lip fillers and made them plump. She initially denied having done any such thing but then accepted. She got so much attention for her lips that she made her own cosmetic company and is now earning millions!

Simon Cowell:

Simon Cowell is a regular on many reality shows which is why he tries hard to constantly look good on screen. He is known for his straightforward remarks and is mostly the hardest to please on any reality show he judges. It is common knowledge that he has had multiple botox surgeries, but did you know that he also takes vitamin injections regularly and spends 90 minutes in a detox machine! Simon is definitely a bit obsessive about his physical appearance and wishes to look and stay a certain way. He even had a facial once made of sheep’s placenta. It is safe to say that they reality show judge has taken some extreme measures to look good on screen.

Courtney Cox

A celebrity who has totally regretted getting face fillers and botox and is finally embracing her looks is the ‘Friends’ actor Courtney Cox who had a lot of artificial stuff done to her face in order to hide her wrinkles and aging signs. She said recently that “Those aren’t wrinkles—they’re smile lines. I’ve had to learn to embrace movement and realize that fillers are not my friend.” This shows how even the most loved and famous celebrities are ultimately just human and sometimes they have a hard time accepting themselves too.

Dwayne Johnson:

Most of us love the Rock for of his amazing body and charming personality. He has achieved a great amount of success in all aspects of his career but his great physique is the thing he is most famous for. Well Dwayne Johnson got liposuction done for his chest area because he was insecure about it. He said his career demanded him to be shirtless on numerous platforms which is why he felt he needed something done to look great.

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