As the year comes to an end, most of us have already started apprehending what 2020 is going to be like. New Year resolutions are a tradition that many of us try to follow but only a few are able to come through. Are you thinking of another resolution this year that revolves around your body weight? Well, why not think of something easier and more fulfilling? After all, resolutions are meant to make you feel good about yourselves.

Plant a Tree

Planting trees is one of the most noble things you can do and planting one tree isn’t the most difficult thing either. Trees are the biggest life source and we all know how much we need them seeing how the world is on the verge of destruction because of global warming and climate change. So, try to plant as many trees as you can and if that seems hard then just plant 1 tree this year that will help the environment and you will feel great after doing it.

Try to De-clutter

Minimalism is a lifestyle that follows the rule of living with minimum things. It is also a new kind of aesthetic as people have started preferring less stuff in their houses and lives in general which not only makes your surroundings simple and sorted but also helps to de-clutter your mind. If you love having a lot of stuff or even hoarding then it will be difficult to just cut to a minimalist lifestyle but you can start with de-cluttering which is a great way to organise your surroundings and will also help in improving your mental health.

Reduce Plastic use

It is true that we are quite dependent on plastic in our day to day lives and thinking about getting away from it instantly is a utopian thought. Therefore, we must try with small things that are easier to replace with biodegradable materials such as straws and plastic bags. Metal straws are slowly becoming trendy and they may be a bit expensive but you can use them for a long time. Also, cloth bags and jute bags are an easy fix to stop using plastic bags and you can get some pretty ones in the market that you will love to carry around.

Read more

Reading as an activity has been proved to enhance memory, vocabulary and even thinking abilities. If you are a busy person with a hectic schedule then you can try to read informative blogs, graphic novels or even newspapers. Reading is a great habit to have and if you have always wanted to read more then why not make it a resolution for the coming year? In this day and age we have numerous ways of soaking information but reading is still on top and so you can make it a point to read at least one paragraph a day on a topic of your choosing and feel fulfilled by the end of the day.

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