Winning an academy award is a matter of respect and pride for any film and there have been many movies till date that have been awarded with this prestigious badge of honour and are simply cinematic wonders. These are some of the best films to have ever won an Oscar and are a must watch for anyone who loves cinema and storytelling. So how many of these have you seen?

Forrest Gump

This is one of those feel good movies that makes you wanna believe in destiny and a higher power. Tom Hanks as Forrest, who is a simple and innocent man, unknowingly becomes a part of many important events in history. He leads his life based on simple principles and just wishes to find love and peace. The movie is a gem because it has its heart in the right place and will make you feel a lot of emotions. It won multiple Oscars and remains one of the best Hollywood films till date.

The King’s speech

This movie shows the struggle of a king who has a speech defect and how he perseveres through it and overcomes this obstacle. It shows how all of us have some kind of struggle no matter who we are. The film was sensitive and inspiring as well as won Colin Firth an Oscar for his enigmatic performance. Geoffrey Rush and Helena Bonham Carter feature in supporting roles and are both brilliant in their roles.

The silence of the lambs

This is one of those rare films that won an Oscar despite the fact that it was almost a horror movie and the academy usually doesn’t reward such movies. The story revolves around a cop played by the amazing Jodie Foster who takes the help of a serial killer and cannibal to hunt down another serial killer who kills women for fun. It is intense and Anthony Hopkins gives a masterful performance that will send chills down your spine.


When moonlight won the best picture Oscar there was a huge shock as first it was announced that La la land had won and when they corrected the mistake and announced the right winner, everyone was still shocked as Moonlight was an underdog. The movie portrayed the life and struggles of a Black man’s identity and was a beautiful representation of homosexuality on the big screen. This is definitely a film worth watching for anyone who loves cinema and its subtle nuances.

Schindler’s List

Movies about the Holocaust are bound to be dark but this movie proved that Steven Spielberg’s talent is not just limited to commercial movies as Schindler’s list is nothing less than a masterpiece. The story is as heart breaking as the subject matter and should be watched by everyone once in their life. It will reduce you to tears and make you realise how precious life is. Liam Neeson portrays the character of Oscar Schindler with so much honestly that it is easier one of his best performances till date.

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